Rogue Bear 5: Senaki Highway of Death

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DCS: World 2.5
F/A-18C Hornet

Rogue Bear 5: Senaki Highway of Death

Caricata da - Habu_69
Data - 16.07.2019 21:42:24
This mission is fifth of a set of six single-player missions related to a combined NATO/Republic of Georgia effort to repel a Russian invasion of Georgia along the Black Sea coastal plain in February 2020. Player flies F/A-18C support missions from the USS Stennis. Each mission includes a mission data card, voice messages and a custom kneeboard, especially helpful to VR users. MISSIONS INCLUDE MODS. I include mods because they help bring the somewhat sterile DCS worlds to life and enhance the player’s experience. Feedback welcome. Enjoy.

Russian army incursion into Georgia has proved disastrous due to a determined resistance from Republic of Georgia army aided by NATO forces. Russian units are in full armed withdrawal northwest along the Tblisi-Senaki Highway, attempting to salvage troops and materiel. NATO forces are tasked with destroying the retreating units before they reach the Russian border near Sochi. AH-64D Cobra (Dagger 1) helos will participate in the attack. NATO has established air superiority, but Russian fighter patrols are attempting to protect the retreating forces.

You will lead your F/A-18C flight of 4 from USS Stennis to destroy Russian military equipment. AWACS (Magic) and F-15C (Talon 3) TARCAP will provide support. Rearm/refuel at Sukhumi, as necessary. Gudauta Airfield has NOT been confirmed secured by friendly forces. Deconflict with Dagger.  Your objective is to destroy at least 20 vehicles.

Mods Needed:
VPC-Airfield Equipment Mod (Virpil):
Navy Equipment  Deck Crew (DCS User Files):
NATO GF Soldiers (Suntsag):
Tactical Call Signs ( bmezzflat9, DCS User Files):
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 11.07 Mb
  • Scaricato: 535
  • Commenti: 3