VS-33 Doc's x55 AV8B HARRIER TDC axis profile

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VS-33 Doc's x55 AV8B HARRIER TDC axis profile

Caricata da - itsavendetta
Data - 26.04.2018 07:35:59
Hey guys, this is my profile I created to allow the x55 throttle mouse nipple to work on RAZBAM's AV8B N/A HARRIER ONLY for the TDC that have default keyboard bindings of [jikl]

Unzip and load profile using MadCatz HUD software for X55 Rhino to enable.

Hey guys, this is my profile I created to allow the x55 throttle mouse nipple to work on RAZBAM's AV8B N/A HARRIER ONLY for the TDC that have default keyboard bindings of [jikl]

Unzip and load profile using MadCatz HUD software for X55 Rhino to enable.
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Tutte le lingue
  • Dimensione: 1.48 Kb
  • Scaricato: 983
  • Commenti: 6
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