Operation Iron Rain

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DCS: World 2.5

Operation Iron Rain

Caricata da - markuswohlgenannt
Data - 25.04.2018 01:31:22
Dynamic WWII escort/intercept mission for the Normandy map. Can be played in SP or MP for blue side or red side. Allied B-17 bombers are targeting 4 factories located on the outskirts of Le Havre.<br /><br />
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EDIT: 6/6/2019 added flyable Antons to the red side.<br />

red task: Intercept Allied bombers.<br /><br />
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Take off from Beny-Sur-Mer, overfly Le Havre, then take a NNW course to cross the Channel. You may use the ships crossing the Channel as a NAVAID, since the bombers are expected to take a similar route.  Use F-10 other menu to communicate with German radar installation at Le Havre. F10 menu also allows you to check in with your wingmen and have them report their positions to you. Use F-10 menu to request friendly aircraft to release flares to aid VID.<br /><br /><br /><br />
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blue task: Escort Allied bombers.<br /><br />
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Use F-10 menu to check in with your wingmen and the bomber flight and have them report their positions to you. Use F-10 menu to request operational picture from fighter command. Use F-10 menu to request friendly aircraft to release flares to aid VID.
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 192.01 Kb
  • Scaricato: 1748
  • Commenti: 0