Deep Strike for Viggen

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DCS: World 2.0
AJS-37 Viggen

Deep Strike for Viggen

Caricata da - herky
Data - 19.06.2017 16:50:48
A Deep Strike mission flown in the Viggen at low level.

Fly a two ship deep strike mission. Attack a Chemical Plant, at waypoint #4, found by Intel to be producing illegal weapons. Fly low level all the way to the target and back. If you exceed your altitude limit, enemy will be on full alert. The SAM/AAA threat will increase. Also, if detected, the enemy will begin to move its weapons, in a defended column, moving to the north east on the main road. Should this occur, you may call in CAS, a four ship A10 flight. This is accomplished via a radio menu (other). They will attack the convoy. You will proceed with your mission and eliminate the three chemical weapons plants.
Enemy air will be alerted and vectored onto your position, once the plants have been attacked.
Also once attacked, all the enemies SAM/AAA will be looking to spoil your day! There are considerable SAM threats, therefore fly the route on your INS, which has been carefully planned to use terrain masking to the full.
Recommended weapons are Mk 82 retarded munitions. However as flight leader you may choose a different load out.
This is a perfect mission for the Viggen. Go in low and fast, strike the target and get out low and fast.
Good luck.
  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 936.01 Kb
  • Scaricato: 1533
  • Commenti: 0