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Release changelog
DCS - 04.01.2021
DCS - 25.12.2020
DCS - 09.10.2020
DCS - 24.07.2020
DCS - 28.05.2020
DCS - 12.04.2020
DCS - 23.12.2019
DCS - 15.11.2019
DCS - 10.09.2019
DCS - 26.08.2019
DCS - 10.07.2019
DCS - 26.06.2019
DCS - 15.05.2019
DCS - 03.04.2019
DCS - 20.02.2019
DCS - 06.02.2019
DCS - 25.01.2019
DCS - 12.12.2018
DCS - 31.10.2018
DCS - 17.10.2018
DCS - 29.09.2018
DCS - 19.09.2018
DCS - 07.09.2018
DCS: MiG-19P Farmer by RAZBAM Simulations is now available.
DCS F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations.
Introduced of the DCS Dedicated Server.

DCS World
  • Static objects linked to a parent object with offset fixation will ow rotate with the parent object (i.e. static objects on an aircraft carrier).
  • AI combat vehicles. Buildings and allied units in the the line of sight prevents weapon fire.
  • MP. Multiple clients will not spawn in the same location on the CVN-74 deck.
  • Fixed bug that could potentially cause SFM aircraft to explode at spawn.
  • Improved performance of some scripting functions.
  • Open mission/track panels. Added ability to sort files by typing by first letter of the file name.
  • Fixed frequent crash with mission scripting - script trying to destroy aircraft when aircraft trigger some event , as result - aircraft destroyed in the middle of self activity which result crash on next line after posting event.
  • Aircraft AI. Fixed crash caused by the bingo fuel landing at aircraft carrier.
  • JTAC will now not report Rapier as SA-2.
  • ME. Ground units. Added different colors for detection and engagement range rings.
  • ME. Deleted non-functional PLANNING CARGO indicator from aircraft payload menu.
  • MP. The glass in the cockpit will be transparent, not black, during texture loading after spawning into the cockpit.
  • MP. Some tuning of Server options panel.
  • MP. Client aircraft disappears, if he disconnects from the server on pause and joins back, fixed.
  • Mi-8MTV2 and UH-1H AI helicopters. Onboard gunners are implemented. From now the AI gunners will engage different types of threats within their (gunners') weapons range.
  • Airborne troops can embarking to second helicopter after disembarking from the first one.
  • ME. Corrected an enabling checkbox of Sand storm setting.
  • Scripts. Fixed frequent crash with mission scripting - script trying to destroy aircraft when aircraft trigger some event.
  • AI KC-130 will not taxiing reverse after refueling.
  • Input axis binding causes UI "freeze" and Lua error in dcs.log fixed.
  • MP. Increased timeouts to 10 minutes.
  • ME. Triggers. Added new field to message action with delay message in seconds.
  • Fixed a crash when player left aircraft for AI control with scheduled two identical failures, which caused them to mess.
  • Fixed a crash if player ejects himself in the middle of refueling procedure.
  • Dedicated server. Log update now checks if lifecycle is enabled.
  • Dedicated server. File selector: 'Saved Games' topmost folder. Only show relative path from it.
  • R-27R and R-27T DLZ is corrected.
  • Black screen flickering on the some video cards fixed.
  • Fixed crash when use trigger "Start player seat lock" with incorrect number.
  • Ship's cruise missiles. Fixed a wrong launch orientation of missile.
  • ME. Corrected unit templates: Hawk SAM Battery standard and Hawk SAM Battery reinforced, S-300, Patriot. Corrected name of Rapira position.

  • Weapon positions fixed
  • Cockpit internal lighting improved
  • Mission 1 and Mission 12 updates in the Campaign
  • Weapon positions fixed

  • Weapon positions fixed
  • MPCD Transparency background fix
  • KC-135 MPRS wingtip vortices position fixed
  • Bitching Betty sounds upgraded
  • Cockpit internal lighting improved
  • Ground Proximity Warning System enabled
  • Previous fixes now added:
    -Weapon positions fixed
    -MPCD Transparency background fix
    -KC-135 MPRS wingtip vortices position fixed
    -Ground Proximity Warning System enabled
  • Tpod Point track issue Fixed
  • ASL line behavior fixed
  • Fuel Probe Model Changed
  • Training Missions Updated
  • Fuel Probe Model Adjusted to match real airframe
  • DMT can now track moving targets
  • MPCD Brightness control enabled

DCS C-101 by AvioDev
  • Improved textures of cockpit structure and front panel
  • Fixed canopy textures
  • Fixed pilot textures
  • All liveries are now also accessible to users that do not own the module
  • Fixed engine failure due to ice accretion
  • Added the following failures:
    Engine flameout with relight
    Engine flameout without relight
    Engine anti-ice failure
    Chip in oil (including engine damage accumulation if engine is mishandled)
    GS and LOC signal failures
    VOR, TACAN, DME, ADF and radio altimeter failures
    Pitch trim runaway - Nose up
    Pitch trim runaway - Nose down
    Control stick pitch trim switch failure
    Control stick aileron trim switch failure
    Rudder trim failure
    Left gear extension fault
    Left gear retraction fault
    Right gear extension fault
    Right gear retraction fault
    Nose gear extension fault
    Nose gear retraction fault
    Flaps fault
  • Front and rear cockpits synchronization in multiplayer (multicrew):
    Fixed dc bus tie and engine anti-ice syncs
    Added fuel valve, submerged pump and fuselage fuel quantity syncs
    Added partially functioning transfer pumps and start-up sequence syncs
    Fixed fuel pumps synchronization
  • Fixed refueling on ground (Still WIP, can only refuel up to 97% and cannot defuel)
  • Added buffet vibration and sound, due to high angle of attack, high g-force or high airspeed.
  • Fixed refuelling and defuelling processes.
  • Solved issue with engine shutdown at high altitudes when moving throttle in a slightly abrupt way.
  • Added Force Feedback.
  • Fixed emergency fuel lever full travel. It now reaches the max position.
  • Improved buffet. It now vibrates depending not only in G load but also in AoA at high G loads.
  • Added new ejection seat to external model.
  • Added synchronization of the following systems to multicrew:
    -Canopy (partially working)
    -Radios priority
    -Navigation priority
    -VOR/TCN selector
    -HSI course/heading selector
    -Fuel test
    -Emergency air brake
    -Emergency landing gear deployment (working partially, only front cockpit)
  • Updated CN localization.
  • Solved issue with telebriefing dimmer moving ADF intercom button.

DCS Christen Eagle II by Magnitude 3 LLC
  • Introduction of new pilots and associated textures.

DCS Fw 190 D-9
  • ME, payload. Corrected the order of hardpoints.
  • The asymmetrical loadouts in the ingame payload panel are not possible now.
  • The sensitivity of rotaries EZ42 Gunsight Target Distance Control and EZ42 Gunsight Altitude Aiming Correction Adjusting Knob I is decreased for fine tuning.

DCS Bf 109 K-4
  • Corrected the parking places in the Taxi and Takeoff training mission.

  • MIDS with Link 16 datalink functionality was added
  • Situational Awareness (SA) page basic functionality was added: MSI symbology, PPLI, F/F, and SURV tracks, EW symbols, air defense zones, TUC data, chaff/flares data, waypoints and route, and Sensor subpage
  • IFF was improved: possibility to interrogate target on RDR page with no radar lock
  • Link 16 capable AI aircraft were improved to interact with F/A-18C
  • NCTR function was added
  • Corrected Hornet 1989-OCA.miz
  • Turn rate indication on ADI page was fixed
  • HARM Target of Opportunity (TOO) mode was added
  • Some minor fixes in HARM SP mode
  • Tone for HARM handoff in SP mode was added
  • WYPT indication on HUD will not jumps when heading goes through zero.
  • Switching DDI's from left to right will not causes loss of contacts.
  • On the SA page, the TDC will always be displayed as priority and "over" other symbols.
  • SA TDC will be yellow color.
  • Fixed bug that can caused to ghost contacts on SA page in multiplayer.
  • SA page. Locked donor will be marked star symbol.
  • Only a contact determined as hostile (red, chevron), will have a diamond TD marker on the HUD.
  • Fixed uncommanded roll with crosswind.
  • Added HARM TD box on HUD.
  • F/A-18C. The TDC will be always displayed as priority and "over" other symbols on the SA page.
  • F/A-18C. AGM-65 and AGM-88 don't disappear from stations 2 & 8 after fired fixed.
  • Corrected heading values on radar page.
  • F/A-18C missions: added HARM instant action mission, added more threats, added Hornet Nevada mission, updated sound trigger, updated SAMs, added waypoints, Added Hornet low alt recce mission for Normandy map, added new Hornet instant action caucasus mission, added voice-overs. Added French, Korean and Russian localization. Updated for datalink. The big part of Instant Action missions relocated to the Single missions.
  • SA page with large number of threats will not causes significant FPS hit.
  • Hostile identification on SA fixed (WIP).
  • INS alignment procedure fixed (WIP).
  • Added initial Latent Track While Scan (LTWS) mode
  • Missing AGM-65F timing after re-arming is restored.
  • Correct sequence of bombs release from double rack.
  • Optimization of afterburner nozzles animation.
  • Folded wings produce bug on 2nd and other LODs fixed.
  • INS set correctly on Autostart.
  • INS alignment fixed.
  • Updates to IFF and datalink to include interrogation of already locked target

DCS Flaming Cliffs
  • MiG-29. RPM hangs at 100% if player moves throttle from max to medium position at supersonic speeds is fixed.
  • Su-33. Training lessons from Simon Pearson added.
  • Su-33. Fixed small jumps on carrier spawn.

  • Corrected some cockpit materials: radar indicator, gunsight glass, pilot textures.

  • Added chinese manual.

DCS MiG-15bis
  • Added chinese manual.

DCS MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3 LLC
  • Fixed flight model not reacting to damage values.

DCS Campaigns
A-10C Basic Flight Training (BFT) Campaign:
BFT08 - Corrected Manual Reversion oscillations.
BFT10 - Corrected altitude triggers. Added F10 Nav Point references for VR.
The Enemy Within 3.0
Mission 02: Updated radio settings for the wingman (35.5 FM).
Mission 04: Small adjustments and bug fixes for radio system. Updated laser code in the kneeboard.
Mission 05: Fixed bug where sometimes the RTB conversation wouldn't be played. Wingman will no longer speak after he has been shot down.
Mission 12: Updated timing of some voiceovers.
Mission 16: Fixed bug where HVA would be destroyed even if player killed all enemy units.
Mission 18: Fixed rare bug when some players would not hear comms with Overlord.
Black Shark 2 Republic Campaign. Structure of campaign changed. Minor changes in missions.
L-39 Kursant campaign. Changed banking around targets.
Mi-8MTV2 Oilfield: 16th mission, place of emergency landing of 325th moved to the clean place.
TEW 3.0 by Baltic Dragon
Mission 13: Updated positions of some enemy units to decrease difficulty a little. Fixed occasional bug with allied helos not landing on the roof - now they will land beside the main building.
M-2000C Red Flag by Baltic Dragon
Mission 06: Updated F-14 model and loadout. Reduced skill of Aggressor Phantoms.
Mission 11: Updated triggers for Hawg flights - they should RTB when task is complete. If AI flights crash after mission complete it won't affect the score.