Italian Air Force skin pack for VSN flyable series (#ISTAYATHOME)

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Italian Air Force skin pack for VSN flyable series (#ISTAYATHOME)

Type - Skin
Uploadé par - Aerojust
Date - 26.03.2020 22:31:32
F-35A, EF-2000 Typhoon, Tornado IDS, KC-767

Hello guys, here the skins for modern aircraft of Italian Air Force (Aeronautica Militare).

- EF-2000 4°stormo and 36°stormo (...Gerbilskij's skin re-textured...nice work!)

- Tornado IDS 6°stormo

  ...I just add two personal skins [#IORESTOACASA/#ISTAYATHOME]...

- F-35A 32°stormo

- KC-135 (fictional KC-767)

Here you can find the aircraft of VSN series:

A little memo to install the Aircraft Mod:

All the aircraft of VSN series use the cockpits of Flaming Cliffs 3 ( YOU MUST HAVE IT)

1) install aircraft folder here:   -   [...\User\Saved Games\DCS\Mods\aircraft\]
2) double click on file:  [(standard) F-15C und AG mit Su25T Avionik.cmd] - and wait to activate cockpit  (or another as your choose)


to install skins (after install aircraft) simply copy both folders "mod" and "liveries" in  [...\User\Saved Games\DCS]

you can find an update for VSN Tornado here:

by Aerojust
  • Licence: Freeware - Version Gratuite, Distribution non limitée
  • Langue: Anglais
  • Taille: 113.39 Mo
  • Téléchargé: 554
  • Commentaires: 7