TM Hotas Cougar profile for DCS C-101CC

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TM Hotas Cougar profile for DCS C-101CC

Type - Profils
Uploadé par - Rudel-Chw
Date - 04.01.2019 19:09:04
Map - Any map
TM Hotas Cougar profile for DCS C-101CC (the light attack version, do not confuse with C-101EB). Updated to Version 3.1

ThrustMaster Cougar Profile for DCS World C-101CC
v3.1 by Rudel-Chw (Eduardo Ahumada, Antofagasta, Chile)


Profile tested with DCS World 2.5.4; driver Thrustmaster 2007_HCO_Vista_64_RC1; Foxy 4.2. Instructions for installing these softwares are here:

Cougar Mode:
After downloading the Profile into the Cougar memory, make sure that on the Cougar Control Panel the mode "Button & Axis emulation" is ON (green).

Where to put the Files:
Put the four files of this Profile, on the folder  Program Files (x86)\HOTAS\Files.

This Profile is designed to be used along with Headtracking. It has no buttons setup for view control.

Rudder Pedals
Since I dont have Rudder pedals, I've designed this profile so that the ANT rotary can be assigned as Rudder, since it's easy to control using your thumb. Assign the Axis on Option-Controls within DCS.

Special Functions of this Profile:

1) The "Dog Fight" button is used as a cabin selector:  "UP" = Aft cockpit; "DOWN" = Forward cockpit. Please, use this as the ONLY means to change cockpits, as this allows the Hotas button to work with the controls of the correct cabin.

2) Press simultaneously the buttons TG2, S3 and S4 of the Joystick, during half a second, to initiate the Eject sequence.

3) The "Speed Brake" button on the Throttle, controls the Flaps and the speedbrake, since the C-101 now has an airbrake toggle key.

3.1 Pull back, to extend  the Flaps to its next position
3.2 Pull back while pressing S3, to retract the Flaps to its previous position.
3.3 Push forward to extend the speedbrake, return to mid position to retract it.

4) The throtle's Microstick is used to sel ect the Gunsight Range among it's 4 discrete values..

5) The RNG rotary is used as a View Zoom Control rather than a Zoom Axis. Pressing down on the rotary, toggles the Zoom fr om Max to normal.

DCS Keybinds needed:
The following keys need to be assigned on DCS -> Options -> Controls for the C-101CC:

Left Spotlight Switch - FRONT (Rear Cockpit): LALT + LSHF + L
Left Spotlight Switch - LAND (Rear Cockpit): LCTL + LSHF + L
Right Spotlight Switch - FRONT (Rear Cockpit): RALT + RSHF + L
Right Spotlight Switch - LAND (Rear Cockpit): RCTL + RSHF + L

Optical Sight Depression Hundreds (0XX) Selector - Decrease: RCTL + D
Optical Sight Depression Hundreds (0XX) Selector - Increase: RSHF + D
Optical Sight Depression Tens (X0X) Selector - Increase: LSHF + D
Optical Sight Depression Units (XX0) Selector - Increase: RSHF + U

Range Selector Next: LALT + LCTL + 1
Range Selector Previous: LALT + LCTL + 2

Stores Release Guard OPEN: LCTL + R
Stores Release Guard CLOSE: LALT + R
Stores Release Button: LALT + SPC

Stores Release Guard OPEN (Rear Cockpit): RCTL + R
Stores Release Guard CLOSE (Rear Cockpit): RALT + R

Trigger Safety Catch UNLOCK: LCTL + T
Trigger Safety Catch LOCK: LALT + T
Trigger Safety Catch UNLOCK (Rear Cockpit): RCTL + T
Trigger Safety Catch LOCK (Rear Cockpit): RALT + T

Course Knob Decrease (Rear Cockpit) = RALT + c
Course Knob Increase (Rear Cockpit) = RCTL + RSHF + c
Heading Knob Decrease (Rear Cockpit) = LSHF + c
Heading Knob Increase (Rear Cockpit) = LSHF + LCTL + c

Emergency_fuel_lever_Decrease = LALT + LCTL + f    
Emergency_fuel_lever_Increase = RALT + RCTL + f

Fuel_Enrichment = LALT + e    
Fuel_Enrichment_Rear_Cockpit = RALT + e    

You also need to define the following Snapviews:
KP4 = Snapview of the Left Console
KP2 = Snapview of the Instrument Panel
KP8 = Snapview of the HUD
KP6 = Snapview of the right Console

Also, on your head tracking software, define:
Headtracking ON-OFF = RCTL + F9


Profile probado con DCS World 2.5.4; driver Thrustmaster 2007_HCO_Vista_64_RC1; Foxy 4.2.  Instrucciones (en inglés, disculpen) para instalar estos softwares se pueden encontrar aqui:

Cougar Mode:
Luego de descargar el Profile en la memoria del Cougar, asegurese de que en el Panel de Control del Cougar el modo "Button & Axis emulation" esté en "ON".

Coloca los archivos en la carpeta Archivos de programa (x86)\HOTAS\Files.

Este profile esta diseñado para ser usado junto a software de Headtracking. No tiene botones asignados para las vistas.

Debido a que no tengo pedales, he diseñado este profile para que el control de ANTena cumpla la función de timón ya que es facil de controlar usando el pulgar izquierdo. Asignar el eje en Opciones-Controles de DCS.

Características especiales del Profile:

1) Se usa botón "Dog Fight" como selector de cabina: "UP" = cabina trasera, "DOWN" = cabina delantera. Por favor, no cambiar de cabina usando el teclado, para que el HOTAS pueda accionar los controles de la cabina correcta.

2) Pulsar simultaneamente los botones TG2, S3 y S4 del Joystick, durante medio segundo, iniciará la secuencia de eyección.

3) El botón "Speed Brake"  del Mando de Gases, ahora controla los Flaps y el Aerofreno, porque ahora el C-101 tiene un comando de una sola tecla para extender/retraer el aerofreno.

3.1 Pulsarlo hacia atrás, extiende los flaps a la siguiente posicion.
3.2 Pulsarlo hacia atrás, al tiempo que se pulsa el boton S3, retrae los flaps a su posici'on previa.
3.3 Pulsarlo hacia adelante extiende el aerofreno, retroceder a la posición media para retraerlo.

4) El Microstick es usado para seleccionar entre los 4 valores de distancia para la mira del cañon.

5) La perilla RNG es usada como control de Zoom, en lugar de usarlo como eje. Pulsar el botón de esta perilla cambia el Zoom de Max. a normal.

DCS Keybinds necesarios:
Las siguientes teclas deben estar asignadas en DCS -> Options -> Controls para el C-101CC:

Left Spotlight Switch - FRONT (Rear Cockpit): LALT + LSHF + L
Left Spotlight Switch - LAND (Rear Cockpit): LCTL + LSHF + L
Right Spotlight Switch - FRONT (Rear Cockpit): RALT + RSHF + L
Right Spotlight Switch - LAND (Rear Cockpit): RCTL + RSHF + L

Optical Sight Depression Hundreds (0XX) Selector - Decrease: RCTL + D
Optical Sight Depression Hundreds (0XX) Selector - Increase: RSHF + D
Optical Sight Depression Tens (X0X) Selector - Increase: LSHF + D
Optical Sight Depression Units (XX0) Selector - Increase: RSHF + U

Range Selector Next: LALT + LCTL + 1
Range Selector Previous: LALT + LCTL + 2

Stores Release Guard OPEN: LCTL + R
Stores Release Guard CLOSE: LALT + R
Stores Release Button: LALT + SPC

Stores Release Guard OPEN (Rear Cockpit): RCTL + R
Stores Release Guard CLOSE (Rear Cockpit): RALT + R

Trigger Safety Catch UNLOCK: LCTL + T
Trigger Safety Catch LOCK: LALT + T
Trigger Safety Catch UNLOCK (Rear Cockpit): RCTL + T
Trigger Safety Catch LOCK (Rear Cockpit): RALT + T

Course Knob Decrease (Rear Cockpit) = RALT + c
Course Knob Increase (Rear Cockpit) = RCTL + RSHF + c
Heading Knob Decrease (Rear Cockpit) = LSHF + c
Heading Knob Increase (Rear Cockpit) = LSHF + LCTL + c

Emergency_fuel_lever_Decrease = LALT + LCTL + f    
Emergency_fuel_lever_Increase = RALT + RCTL + f

Fuel_Enrichment = LALT + e    
Fuel_Enrichment_Rear_Cockpit = RALT + e    

Usted tambien debe definir en DCS las siguientes SnapViews:
KP4 = Snapview of the Left Console
KP2 = Snapview of the Instrument Panel
KP8 = Snapview of the HUD
KP6 = Snapview of the right Console

Finalmente, defina lo siguiente en su Software de Headtracking:
Headtracking ON-OFF = RCTL + F9
  • Licence: Freeware - Version Gratuite, Distribution non limitée
  • Langue: Anglais
  • Taille: 525.23 Ko
  • Téléchargé: 346
  • Commentaires: 0