Fictional Spanish 11st Wing

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A-10C Warthog

Fictional Spanish 11st Wing

Type - Skin
Uploadé par - ESAc_Lipe
Date - 22.08.2012 17:15:34
Fictional Spanish 11st Wing

Skin basado en los colores de camuflage que llevaron los primeros Mirage F-1 que sirvieron en el Ejercito del Aire Español (EDA)

Para instalar usando MODMAN.

Skin based on the colors of camouflage that led the first Mirage F-1 who served in the Spanish Air Force (EDA)

For install with MODMAN
  • Licence: Freeware - Version Gratuite, Ne Pas Redistribuer
  • Langue: N'importe quel langage
  • Taille: 16.18 Mo
  • Téléchargé: 756
  • Commentaires: 1
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