DCS World UH-1H Sim: Saitek X-55 Rhino profile

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UH-1H Huey

DCS World UH-1H Sim: Saitek X-55 Rhino profile

Type - Profils
Uploadé par - ShadyPkg
Date - 12.10.2015 00:39:41
Basic UH-1H Sim profile for cold start, radio interaction, general flight, and light combat(this part still needs more work). As everything of importance is either bound to the X-55 or can be interacted with by mouse, this profile is useful for those with VR googles like the Rift or also TrackIR(as I use it). There are also POV hat and view reset assignments on the stick for looking around if you don't use the previously mentioned technologies. Layout diagrams and a basic cold start checklist included. Will update as I make improvements.

The Saitek programming profile (Saitek X-55 DCS UH-1H.pr0) relies on the default keyboard mappings in DCS UH-1H Sim. The only mappings that need to be changed within DCS are those related to axis ranges (Flight Control Collective, Cyclic Pitch, Cyclic Roll, Rudder, Throttle, and Zoom) and appear all together under one page on the control setup page (UH-1H Sim -> Axis Commands). There are screenshots included to provide an example of how the axis controls should be assigned(Ex: X-55 throttle top rotary F -> UH-1H Throttle and X-55 throttle bottom rotary G -> DCS Zoom), but keep in mind I use rudder pedals so adjust to taste. My personal preference is to have the collective and throttle axis reversed to better match movement of the controls (from inside DCS axis options). There's also two TrackIR assignments in the Saitek pr0 file under MODE1 and MODE2 for the throttle G rotary push click that can be swapped out based on your arrangement. If using TrackIR, change default key bindings to avoid assignment conflict with DCS and to match profile: TrackIR center -> Shift + F12, TrackIR pause ->Shift + F9, TrackIR precision -> Shift + F11, and TrackIR profile -> Shift + F10. Most up to date versions of these files can be found here: https://github.com/ShadyPkg/shady-binds/tree/master/DCS%20Huey . The README.md files can be read with WordPad or Notepad++.
  • Licence: Freeware - Version Gratuite, Distribution non limitée
  • Langue: Anglais
  • Taille: 10.48 Mo
  • Téléchargé: 3802
  • Commentaires: 2