Expanded version of Green cockpit mod by 59th_Reaper and Gray & Black cockpit mod by Mainstay and Snacko updated for current DCS versions.
Originally only the russian variant of green cockpit and a mix of english/russian variant of gray/black cockpit were available, I expanded this to include both variants for all three cockpits.
Also includes reworked warning lights for both english/russian variants that are much easier to read, optional clean canopy version and optional modified cockpit texture in outside views.
This pack includes six cockpit variants:
Green Cockpit - English
Green Cockpit - Russian
Gray Cockpit - English
Gray Cockpit - Russian
Black Cockpit - English
Black Cockpit - Russian
_____________________________________ INSTALL _____________________________________
Copy the folders with the cockpit versions that you wish to use into:
C:\Users\*YourUserName*\Saved Games\DCS\Liveries\Cockpit_MiG-21bis\
C:\Users\*YourUserName*\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Liveries\Cockpit_MiG-21bis\
If you don't have Liveries and/or Cockpit_MiG-21bis folders inside the DCS SavedGames folder, create them.
Run DCS and select the cockpit variant in Settings > Special > MiG-21.
_____________________________________ OPTIONAL _____________________________________
__Clean canopy__
1. Copy the 5 .dds files fr om "Optional - clean canopy" to the cockpit variant(s) for which you want to use it and overwrite.
2. Open the appropriate folder in "Optional - clean canopy" and copy the .lua file to the appropriate cockpit variant and overwrite.
3. repeat steps 1 and 2 for all cockpit variants wh ere you want to use clean canopy
__Modified outside view cockpit texture__
1. Backup the file "MiG21Bis_Cockpit.dds" located at "DCS\CoreMods\aircraft\MiG-21BIS\Textures\MiG-21Bis_Base"
2. Copy the CoreMods folder in the variant that you want to use to root DCS folder.
Original mods:
Gray/Black cockpit: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3304350/
Green cockpit: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3303212/
If any of the original authors want me to take this mod down, let me know in the comments.
Updated and repacked by HawkCZ
update 01/2021 - added optional files for clean canopy, modified outside view textures and some minor tweaks
09/2023 - updated description with new folder name