CVN-74 Improved Textures

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DCS: World 2.5

CVN-74 Improved Textures

Tipo - Librea
subido por - BarTzi
Fecha - 23.11.2018 20:58:07

Now that ED introduced a livery selection option for ships, it's time to make one for the Stennis. This is a slightly higher quality texture set for CVN-74. <br />

The notable changes are:

Deck color slightly changed to match real-life pictures.
Ramp white line increased in size + added details.
Jet blast deflectors texture improvements.
Improved runway textures.

How to install:

Copy the folder into Saved games\DCS\Liveries\stennis (Just like any other livery. If the folder 'stennis' does not exist, create it).
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versión gratuita, distribución libre
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Tamaño: 25.18 Mb
  • descargado: 1270
  • Comentarios: 27
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