Caucasus VFR ground textures for Tacview

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Caucasus VFR ground textures for Tacview

Tipo - Utilidad
subido por - Vyrtuoz
Fecha - 21.04.2016 20:32:45
JPG textures to use with Tacview to get a nice Caucasus VFR map on the ground!

The package can be downloaded from the add-on page:

All the jpg files have to be installed in: C:\ProgramData\Tacview\Data\Terrain\Textures\

Because of the way DCS World is handling spherical coordinates, the result is not 100% accurate. However, they still provide pretty good landmarks to better understand your favorite Caucasus battlefield.

Feel free to apply any change you want and to use these as an inspiration for your own custom textures!
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versión gratuita, distribución libre
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Tamaño: 27.51 Mb
  • descargado: 1857
  • Comentarios: 1
Etiquetas: caucasus, tacview, textures
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