P-51D Mustang - Força Aèria Catalana WWII (Fictional)

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P-51D Mustang

P-51D Mustang - Força Aèria Catalana WWII (Fictional)

Tipo - Livrea
subido por - GADGET1
Fecha - 25.02.2015 23:24:45
Fictional Catalonian P-51D Mustang skin.

Fictional Catalonian P-51D Skin a la WW2 style, featuring several national symbols. This is more an assay to find out what the Catalan national markings would look on a WW2 aircraft, as it has never done before because Catalonia has no state and therefore no Army nor Air Forces. The resultant roundel come out quite similar to the US markings, as the Catalan flag is also composed of red bars and a white star over a blue background. The original flags are also included in the package for the users to experiment.
Much work inverted in getting the right aluminum reflections on the bare metal parts, and the dull finish on the painted parts.
Thank you for sharing.
  • Licencia: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Idioma: Tutte le lingue
  • Tamaño: 40.51 Mb
  • descargado: 846