想听洛天依对你喊敌跟踪吗?试试这个告警语音包吧! Wanna hear Di Gen Zong(Tracking) by Luo Tianyi?Try this alert voice pack! 虚拟歌姬洛天依献声的枭龙告警语音包,本人制作,使用VOCALOID4编辑器。 毕竟是合成的,也许没有CN1或EN1那么软,但还是很不错的,尤其配合洛天依风格座舱与痛机涂装更佳(涂装还不是很会搞,希望以后会有大佬整出来)。 英文语音需要跨语种调教,难而且麻烦,最近不会有计划。 (别想问我要黄旭东或者林志玲的,这个真不会) 安装:请按照DCSWorld\Mods\aircraft\JF-17\Sounds\sdef\Cockpit\CE\Readme.txt中提示操作 ============================================================================================= JF-17 Chinese alert voice pack by Luo Tianyi,made by myself ...
Date: 12/21/2019
A skin of Chinese vocaloid Luo Tianyi for the Shenyang J-11A. UPDATE 1.1: fixed the problem with loading textures; removed tail numbers and emblems. Inspired by the Idolm@aster skins of Ace Combat, a skin dedicated to the Chinese vocaloid Luo Tianyi. To install it, just unzip the folder in C:\Username\Saved Games\DCS\Liveries\J-11a. Disclaimer: I did not create the images used, I merely used them to create the skin. The copyrights are of their respective owners. Luo Tianyi is copyright ...
Date: 10/25/2018

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