F-14B PLA Fictional Livery 作者:小猫蛋卷 中美蜜月期时,鹰酱曾推销过大猫,可惜当年兔子实在太穷买不起。如果真的买了的话,符合时代背景的涂装画风简直太美... Skin Any language Any version F-14 Tomcat Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute 01/04/2021 21:32:20 36.0000
Date: 01/04/2021
Fictional PLAAF J8 style skin pack, green nose with white fuselage, include su27, f15c, f5e, have fun! Fictional PLAAF J8 style skin pack, green nose with white fuselage, include su27, f15c, f5e, Special thanks to @Uboats for providing me the su27's pilot texture and @DCS-071 who took those beautiful screenshots. 虚构的中国空军歼8风格皮肤包,绿头白身原谅色,包含苏27,F15,F5e 三个皮肤,特别感谢Uboats提供的苏27飞行员贴图和71的高逼格截图 Skin English DCS: World 1.5 Su-27 Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution 893
Date: 07/21/2017

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