You have a difficult RECON mission today. With an airborne A-4E-C Skyhawk, low on fuel, you fly low level to the bay of Iskenderun Körfezi near Turkey. Discover several anchored ships with your ground radar so they will show up on the F10 map. OBJECTIVE: 1. Check the 3 indicated search areas 2. Locate the Bulker Handy Wind and hit it 3. RTB to Ercan, Cyprus By default the mission is set to Easy. Change the difficulty level to Level Medium (1 Frigate added + more hits needed on your ...
Date: 10/24/2022
Para 4 a 8 Pilotos, dificultad: ALTA. Los rusos se han levantado como un país díscolo del orden mundial y han comenzado a vender armas nucleares y desechos radiactivos a países tercermundistas. Como los rublos valen poco, los rusos se han dedicado a estas exportaciones “no tradicionales”. La coalición no se mantendrá impávida y ha ordenado reaccionar ante el zarpe del próximo convoy con sustancias peligrosas que sale de Rusia. Ya tenemos noticias que la ruta que ocupan estos traficantes es ...
Date: 11/20/2021
... SEAD. F/A-18 for Anti-ship. SEAD flight will destroy the ...
Date: 09/30/2021
... air to ground attacks, and anti ship fighting if you so choose ...
Date: 01/17/2020
... continue to WP5 and RTB) ANTI SHIP viggens are to take off ...
Date: 04/05/2017

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