Version 1.4 - 20240329 (NEW: Laser-Guided Munitions Range) Universal one-stop, non-stop training mission for any aircraft and any discipline, fully multiplayer capable. Jump in your cockpit, open the throttle and do whatever you like best in this training sandbox. Marianas Proving Grounds -- by cfrag Do you feel like flying today? Take a jaunt in any airframe? Train any discipline? Be it landing, bombing, cargo slinging, precision approaches, formation and intercept/escort duty, air ...
Date: 03/29/2024
In this fictional scenario, you fly with a wingman CAS. Turkish units have invaded a small town in northern Syria with US support. You are in contact with the ground troops and have to help them as best you can. The mission is entertained by voiceovers and text messages. Direct contact with the ground troops is via JTAC Jackal. Jackal gives you information to carry out close air support strikes. Only GBU-12 LGBs are dropped. This mission is a good place to practise / check your ...
Date: 02/27/2024
This is a short air-to-ground mission where you'll fly ...
Date: 05/18/2023
Vergangene Nacht haben Freiheitskämpfer der Republik Abchasien einen aggressiven Vorstoß über den Fluss Enguri in das Hoheitsgebiet von Georgien gewagt. Unbestätigten Meldungen zufolge wurden dies Freiheitskämpfer von Russland mit Waffensystemen und Munition ausgestattet, was diesen kriegerischen Akt erst ermöglicht hat. Die Spannungen in dieser Region hatten sich bereits in den vergangen Monaten immer weiter zugespitzt, sodass die NATO bereits einen Trägerverband in das Schwarze Meer ...
Date: 09/18/2022
Short mission (15min) to familiarize yourself with bombing in the Mirage F1CE. You are a young Iraki pilot in the 80s. Currently training in Jordan, your commander asks you to perform a low-level ingress into Israel to bomb a few of their MBTs that have been spotted, rearming in the open plains. Ingress through a valley guarded by AAA, stay low and fast to escape their fire. Then perform your bombing run and egress back to King Hussein. Navigation with ATC guidance and TACAN. The poorly- ...
Date: 08/23/2022
Modified from the mission included in the MB-339 free mod. Instead, fly an A-4E-C armed only with rockets and guns, and attack a damaged cruiser, guarded by helicopters and Hornets. Do not fly too high or the the cruiser will detect you and fire back. Updated: 26-06-2022 Modified from the mission included in the MB-339 free mod. Instead, fly an A-44E-C armed only with rockets and guns, and attack a damaged cruiser, guarded by a helicopter and Hornets. Do not fly too high or the the cruiser ...
Date: 06/26/2022
... start versions) and almost all air-to-ground weapons and delivery methods. Abbreviated ...
Date: 04/01/2022
... for all Air to Air, Air to Ground / Sea weapons) zone 3 : Real ...
Date: 01/19/2022
... " missions, featuring low altitude air-to-ground missions, of which you can ...
Date: 01/19/2022
Inteligencia ha descubierto un campo de entrenamiento terrorista en las montañas de Turquia, al parecer el gobierno Turco hace la vista gorda y niega su existencia. Recientemente se han detectado aviones rusos sobrevolando el norte de Turquia, parace que no quieren que nadie vuele sobre la zona. Imagenes del satélite muestran 3 casas dentro del complejo, estas estructuras albergan a los mandos y responsables del campo. El objetivo de la mission será destruir las 3 casas. El gobierno ...
Date: 07/02/2020

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