STORMFRONT is a story-driven campaign that follows the story of SPRING 2025. As in the first part of the WORLDS APART series, you find yourself in the role of a German Bell UH-1 helicopter pilot serving in the squadron "WOLF PACK," a German Army unit (Heeres Flieger).
Toward the middle of the year, the security situation in the world continued to deteriorate. The three superpowers continue to negotiate with each other but remain on an aggressive course.
Although you and your colleagues achieved great success at the beginning of the year, and the situation has calmed down, especially in the south of Georgia around Batumi, the overall condition remains tense.
The overall situation remains very complex and complicated. The rebels within the Georgian army, who are fighting the moderate central government and seeking a violent reunification with the former Georgian regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, are weakened but not defeated.
You and your crew have returned to Batumi after your experiences in the spring.
The situation is calm, and patrol flights are the central part of your program.
Surveillance and presence.
Your task is to support Georgian and German ground forces in securing the Batumi region before being deployed to Kutaisi in the north. Within your unit, callsign "WOLF PACK," you have the supporting part. You fly lightly armed patrols and transport troops and material. Until further notice, your squadron will remain stationed in the Batumi region and the local airfield.
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