02 February 2024
Dear Fighter Pilots, Partners and Friends,
Our third party partner Miltech-5 are pleased to share a progress report on their DCS: Bo-105. This module promises to bring you a truly authentic light utility and reconnaissance helicopter experience. Please stay tuned for more details, and take a look at the Development Screenshots below.
Since the inception of the DCS: South Atlantic map, RAZBAM have strived to innovate within ever-evolving technologies. From the majestic mountain peaks to the rolling landscape of the Tierra del Fuego, their new custom surface mesh, which lends detail where required, makes the entire landscape feel more alive and better suited to the local topography.
Digital Controllers is a community dedicated to establishing detailed and international standards for Air Traffic Control and Tactical Control in all their varieties. Through partnerships with various DCS servers such as Flashpoint Levant and Hoggit, they provide layered ATC and Tactical Control to dozens of pilots on a regular basis, while running a comprehensive training course and dedicated mentoring. Join their Discord.
Thank you for your passion and support.
Yours sincerely,
Eagle Dynamics
The above screenshot shows the current state of the Bo-105, which will be available in three versions: the German Bo 105 PAH 1A1/VBH, the Swedish Hkp9A, and the South Korean Bo-105 as AI only.
Aside from the liveries, all three versions will have different internal devices and are offered as separate versions. The external and internal 3D models of all Bo-105 versions will have a high level of detail that is close to photo realistic. All movable parts of the helicopter have been modelled, from rotor blade articulation to circuit breakers.
Initial tests have shown the great potential of their new development strategy for internal machine logic. It fits well into the existing DCS API and environment. The program logic changed from event control to situation control. This means that all devices have their own program and are interconnected within a global system. The advantage is that specific control situations do not require special coding. The result is an auto-generated output that is dependent on all the connected devices. An example of this is autorotation. The handling is initiated by the corresponding pilot inputs. The rotor system, as an independent device, reacts like a real Bo-105. Even non programmatically planned situations are handled realistically. This system is termed MEDUSA by Miltech-5. It is a multithreaded system that can handle all devices in different threads.
The external and cockpit models, electric system, engines, fuel supply, and rotor system are in advanced development states. The next steps are focused on flight performance, handling, and fine tuning the Bo-105’s behaviours.
South Atlantic
Development Report
Since the release of the DCS: South Atlantic map, RAZBAM has provided a series of updates including new airfields, improved visual appearance and performance. They have also resolved bugs and this is now a much improved map that will see further enhancements this year.
A large amount of work has gone into modelling and improving all towns, cities and small hamlets. This includes new building types, Points of Interest (POI), and optimising them for a boost in performance. RAZBAM have also invested time and expense in aerial photography drones to provide improved terrain distribution aesthetics.
RAZBAM will be focusing on further ground texture and normal map improvements in the coming months. Please make sure you update to the latest version to enjoy all these new updates or consider a purchase of this large, unique, and historic region of the DCS: South Atlantic.
Digital Controllers
Multiplayer Server
Digital Controllers aim to unite individual squadrons by inviting them to participate in large inter-squadron events. Collaboration becomes far easier by training squadron air controllers to a global standard. Pilots new to radiotelephony are welcome to participate in the training too!
They provide detailed publications that define training standards and provision of ATC/Tactical Control. This allows squadrons to quickly and easily reference standard specifications. The linked example is a work in progress Air Traffic Control standards guide.
Their mission is to standardise ATC and Tactical Control, resulting in a friendly hub that brings the DCS community closer together. Check out their website and join in on Discord.
Thank you again for your passion and support,
Yours sincerely,
Eagle Dynamics
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