DCS 1.2.7 update 1 is now available

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10 feb
DCS Change Log
  • Multiplayer. Improved server stability.
  • Combined Arms. Multimonitor Setup. Compass scale will shows in right position.
  • A-10C. CADC will works after repair.
  • F-15C. TWS. Added command 'Return To Search/NDTWS'. 'Unlock TWS Target' renamed to 'Target Unlock' command.
  • UH-1H manual updated.
  • Group fails to spawn if group ID is not specified for coalition. Fixed.
  • Su-25T. The CCIP mark will movable in the all height of HUD.
  • Fixed wrong location and name of the video file after video rendering.
  • A-10A. Corrected cockpit shape and textures.
  • ATGM launchers doesn't launch second missile. Fixed.
  • Some minor graphics tunes.