Fixed crash when loading mission from a public server.
Fixed crash after jumping from aircraft during an "Autostart".
Fixed crash when try to lock ground target when using Easy Radar mode.
Fixed crash after collision of two aircraft.
Fixed crash when player gets close to column with delayed start.
Fixed crash after plane switches to glide path.
Kuznetsov ATC can now recover multiple flights without causing collisions.
Fixed IR pointer when using Combined Arms.
Corrected SSE: Empty Error message on coalition.addGroup().
Glide slope ring and К, Г marks for landing mode are now present for airfields with full Russian ILS system.
Restored Flight tasking commands when not in Game Mode. Attack air defenses: LWIN-D. Attack ground units: LWIN-G. Attack your locked target: LWIN-Q.
Fixed 'Value' in trigger 'Bomb in zone' trigger action.
Fixed missing text: "2, rolling" when starting taxi.
Corrected R-73 DLZ for AI. They should no longer launch outside their DLZ.
DCS: Black Shark 2
IT-23 symbology aspect has been corrected.
Fixed joystick commands for kneeboard.
Fixed missing target markers on Ka-50 Easy Radar.
Fixed simulator crash when loading standard arcade mission for Ka-50 when using Easy Avionics mode.
Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3
Su-33 falling through the flight deck when landing on the carrier has been fixed.
F-15C and Su-33 unable to connect twice to tanker in network play has been fixed.
F-15C Tanker AP won't disengage when online has been fixed.
F-15C ADI LNAV "Jiggle" has been fixed.
Several A-10A switches have had their position set to on: PAC Switch, Inverter Switch, AC Gen Switches, Radar Altimeter Switch, Anti Skid Switch, Fuel Boost Pump Switch, and Engine Fuel Flow Switches.
DCS: Combined Arms
Fixed crash occurring when Targeting Panel of selected unit is viewed.
Keyboard input script has been corrected.
DCS: A-10C Warthog
Fixed tanker not completing refueling when in network play.
Implemented “Game Mode” flight model.
Fixed "floating" UV-26 indication textures.
Added "RI-65 is operative" voice message when turning on the VWS.
Implemented “Game Mode” flight model.
DCS: UH-1H Huey
Fixed M134 minigun firing audio.
Fixed AI UH-1H helicopters’ inability to fire M134 minigun.
Fixed autostart.
Flexible Sight line of sight is now controlled separately from view camera control using the [;] [,] [.] [/] commands if TrackIR Aiming option is OFF.
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