Our traditional yearly showcase of what’s on the horizon is out at last. Check out the video, we hope you will enjoy it. Thank you!
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2025 promises to be a busy and exciting year for Eagle Dynamics, with the continued improvement of DCS Core, the enhancement of existing modules, and the launch of new and valuable products. Along with our 3rd party affiliates, we aim to elevate DCS to new heights and we hope that this video offers a good glimpse into some of the exciting things we are up to. While several of the products featured will be released in 2025, the video also focuses on our development priorities and objectives, many of which such as Dynamic Campaign, have been in the works for far longer than planned, draining more resources than expected, and sometimes creating frustration for many. This seems to be a constant with technology and engineering projects the world over and ‘par for the course’. But as we push the envelope and seek to achieve ever higher levels of realism and authenticity, we promise to do our very best to meet your expectations. Thank you for standing with us and for helping us improve and grow DCS, and thank you for your understanding and support as we move onwards and upwards.