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17 jun

DCS: MAD JF-17 Campaign by Stone Sky

This campaign guides the player through a gripping storyline about a PMC pilot named Vitalii Gerasimov. You will take part in a series of campaign missions called MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction.

DCS: Spitfire Beware Beware Campaign by Reflected Simulations

In the winter of 1942, the raging air battle over Europe was fierce. The Focke Wulfs and Messerschmitts flown by the Luftwaffe’s ’Experten’ proved to be more than a worthy foe for the RAF’s new Spitfire Mk.IXs. Total air supremacy of the Allies was still just a distant dream, but then again the Luftwaffe was far from in control of the British skies.

At the heart of this battle stood the Biggin Hill Wing with West Lancashire and Ile de France Squadrons. Soon, you too can join the 611 Squadron at the height of the fight for air supremacy over Europe and be a fighter pilot in the RAF in the most realistic way ever possible.