Persian Gulf Map Completed

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12 apr

This week we are proud to release the content-complete version of the DCS: Persian Gulf Map. Since the original release of this map, the area has been greatly expanded to make it the largest DCS World map. It also includes an astonishing 29 airfields, the most airfield of any DCS World map.

Persian Gulf Final Release Trailer

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In this most recent update, we have added:

The DCS: Persian Gulf map provides an excellent playground for your DCS modules:

Although this map is now content-complete, we will of course to continue to support the map with fixes as required. We are now excited to focus on a new, free map for DCS World.

Free Maps and World War II Assets Pack for Dedicated Servers

In this week’s Open Beta, we have enabled dedicated servers using the no-render option to use all DCS World maps and the Assets Pack for free!

Features of the Dedicated Server include:

DCS World Open Beta Update

In addition to the finalization of the Persian Gulf Map and the ability for no-render dedicated servers to run all DCS World maps and the Asset Pack for free, there have been several other great additions to this weeks Open Beta update. You can read the complete change log here.

Highlights include: