Since the initial Early Access release of the DCS: Normandy 1944 Map, we and Ugra Media have been working on several improvements to increase its enjoyability and increase its accuracy. In addition to further refining the map for improved performance, we have made the following improvements:
Region and period correct water towers
Region and period correct wind mills and increased the population of them across the map
Farm houses interspersed in countryside areas
Several variation of bridges that match the region and time period
Removed brick buildings from the Advanced Landing Ground (ALG) airfields
Concrete runways for correct airfields
Improve beach transition
Here are some images showing some of these new improvements that we hope to release soon.
DCS: Normandy 1944 Map in the DCS e-shop
DCS: World War II Assets Pack Update
Another new unit being developed for the DCS: World War II Assets pack is the Sd.Kfz.7. This was a very versatile unit for German forces and had multiple uses during the war. For its initial appearance in DCS World, it will act as an artillery tractor.