DCS World Weekend Update
DCS Holiday Sale
Didn’t get the Christmas gift you wanted today? Got some gift cash needing a home? Starting 25 December at 1500 GMT time and lasting until 04 January 2016 at 0900 GMT, we are having our annual DCS World sale! Get 30% off on most DCS modules. For those in the Eurasian Economic Community, the sale will start 30 December till until 02 January 2016.
Visit our e-shop for Modules at: http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/shop/modules/ and our Campaigns at http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/shop/campaigns/
Starting 25 December 2015, the open beta of DCS: M-2000C by RAZBAM will be available for download. Note that DCS: M-2000C will work with DCS World versions 1.5 and 2.0 (Nevada DLC map required).
Purchase DCS: M-2000C from: http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/shop/modules/
The M-2000C is a multi-role, French-designed, 4th generation fighter. It was designed in the 1970s as a lightweight fighter and in excess of 600 M-2000C aircraft have been built. The M2000C is a single-engine fighter with a low-set delta wing with no horizontal tail. It has excellent maneuverability given its relaxed stability and fly-by-wire flight control system. The M-2000C also includes a multi-mode RDI radar that is capable tracking and engaging targets at beyond visual ranges. In addition to engaging other aircraft with cannon and missiles, the M2000C can also engage ground targets with cannon, rockets and bombs. The M-2000C is a perfect fit for the battlefields of DCS World!
Due to changes in the DRM system of the DCS M-2000C module, all the users who purchased this module and obtained a key in the electronic shop at the RAZBAM site need to exchange this key for free for a valid key at the DCS site.
To do this, follow the link https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/personal/licensing/exchange/, enter the key obtained at the RAZBAM site, after this you will receive a new key. Additionally, a letter with the new key will be sent to you.
Have a wonderful holiday and upwards on onwards into 2016!
The Eagle Dynamics Team