Empty scenario that contains up to 107 real life navigation waypoints for Georgia already added to your CDU on any mission created over this template mission.
It includes: All relevant waypoints for the IFR approaches of Batumi UGSB, Tiblisi-Lochini UGTB, Kopitnari/Kutaisi UGKO.
Includes also all VFR entry and departure points for those airports.
It also includes all published RNAV points for the Lower and Upper Routes inside Georgia airspace.
The waypoints are named as in real life and those Radio Navigation Stations are named after their indicative.
From now on and using real life charts you can use to the maximum your CDU, creating SID, route flight plans, STARS and even some IFR approaches.
NOTE. I have used exact published waypoint and NavAid coordinates, however. actual coordinates and DCS Caucasus scenario have some minor variations, although not an issue for normal flying you will notice it when doing some IFR approaches. It is bearable, but keep it in mind.