USMC Tribute [HD Weathered] by Ryan Barnes

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A-10C Warthog

USMC Tribute [HD Weathered] by Ryan Barnes

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - ryan6
Date - 06/26/2014 03:50:47
A heavily detailed and weathered fictional skin of the US Marines, after receiving mothballed A-10's from the Davis-Monthan boneyard.

Story behind this scheme:

Imagine the A-10 was retired (no stretch there) and they were sitting in the Davis-Monthan boneyard, waiting to one day be called upon. And then that day comes in the form of the Marine Corps getting the Air Force's hand-me-downs (as per usual...we used to furnish our barracks with the Air Force's throwout furniture....and it still looked new to us)
So the Marines cover up the DM tail insignia, paint on some motivational USMC scarlet and gold, and proceed to kill everything in sight. At least that's how my story goes...
Our planes may be dirty, but they are 100% functional. We spend our time killin' bad guys and we don't have the time to wash our pigs. This is Afghanistan and we have boots on the ground who need us in the air. Now download this angry pork sandwich and get some screenshots of you killing the enemy...dismissed.

Download the folder, unzip it, and simply drop it in your A-10C/Liveries folder.  Enjoy the most detailed A-10C skin for DCS!

RATE ME if you like getting the most awesome skins in DCS for free.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 27.7 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1802
  • Comments: 5
Tags: dcs, A-10C, Skin
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