1xMig-29C vs 3xF-16C

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1xMig-29C vs 3xF-16C

Type - Track
Uploaded by - datrashenko@yandex.ru
Date - 05/25/2011 15:08:48
n imaginary guns-only dog-fight track of 1xMig-29C being able to shoot down 3xF-16C, one ather the other; no single enemy escaped this time; though no one was killed in action :) and still retain some ample amount of fuel (and ammo) to be able to return and land safely at the base.

n imaginary guns-only dog-fight track of 1xMig-29C being able to shoot down 3xF-16C, one ather the other; no single enemy escaped this time; though no one was killed in action :) and still retain some ample amount of fuel (and ammo) to be able to return and land safely at the base.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 3.32 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1153
  • Comments: 0