A-10C Warthog X52/X52 Pro profile

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A-10C Warthog

A-10C Warthog X52/X52 Pro profile

Uploaded by - Raggz
Date - 10/09/2010 17:56:02
This is a profile for DCS: A-10C suitable for both Saitek X52 and X52 Pro.
Profile is made with Norwegian keyboard locale.

Updated profile 12/10-10:
Fixed reversed pinky fwd/aft for X52 Pro
Fixed reversed boat fwd/aft for X52 Pro

Updated 21/10-10:
Removed obsolete "Reset Audible Warning" from launch button.
Added "Reset Trims" to launch button (Shift state).

This is a profile for DCS: A-10C suitable for both Saitek X52 and X52 Pro.
I have not tried the X52 profile since i do own the Pro version.
Profile is set for TrackIR Centering only and for Pedal usage. Rotarys are not assigned and free to use for your comfort in the game controls option.

Thanks for the ideas by other DCS forum members and for the full command list provided.
Also thanks to whoever made the originally Stick&Throttle graphics.

Feel free to use this as you want. Please give credits where it's due for public usage.

Slider must be set to MIDDLE position when using speedbrakes or it will block other commands.
Set wanted speedbrake position and set slider back to mid position.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 774.19 Kb
  • Downloaded: 19223
  • Comments: 7
Tags: HOTAS, Saitek, X52, X52 Pro