DCS A-10 Cougar Files

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DCS A-10 Cougar Files

Uploaded by - wgkenney
Date - 03/06/2011 18:15:48
TM Cougar joystick and macro file. Works with or without Track IR. HOTAS oriented but uses S3 "in" function for non HOTAS functions

This is a simple joystick and marco file for the TM Cougar. Most of the default commands in the program are included in the macro file.  This works with our without Track IR and includes comands to center and shut Track IR down in the game.  The joystick and throttle are programed for HOTAS uses.  But when you push in the S3 button each hat and button also allows you to activate game functions like various views, gear, flaps, etc.  Uses the default key commands in DCA A10C so you don't need to make any changes in the in game set up. Also a simple file so no profiles needed etc.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 4.95 Kb
  • Downloaded: 2300
  • Comments: 0
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