Napalm effect

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Napalm effect

Type - Other
Uploaded by - titi69
Date - 09/04/2024 23:29:09
Map - Any map
This is a script to simulate Napalm effect

there is 2 version of this script:
1. Napalm effect integrated to Splashdamage
2. Only Napalm effect without splashdamage

Just create trigger (do_script_file) to load one of the script
be aware that with lot of explosion , game can crash

the effect integrate also flare effect, this can be disable in the script
there is 2 options: change to false the effect you want to disable
options = {
  ["napalm"] = true,
  ["phosphor"] = true,

you can add any weapons you want (avoid cluster bomb it doesnt work and can crash the game)
actually , i have tested with MK81 and SAMP125LD, which work best so far)

just find weapons name ( in splash damage you have plenty of them) and add it in the script (only last weapon line should be without comma) :
napalmTable = {

    ["Mk_81"] = true,
    ["SAMP125LD"] = true

Credits: thanks to original splashdamage script for weapon tracking part and Olympus for napalm effect method
i have modified bit of code from both to avoid using mist
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 111.59 Kb
  • Downloaded: 157
  • Comments: 15