B-17G 42-40003 “Ol Gappy” aka “Topper”

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B-17G 42-40003 “Ol Gappy” aka “Topper”

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - Helles Belle
Date - 08/19/2023 23:49:04
Note: some screenshots may depict the aircraft using roughmets to showcase the aluminium finish.

Her claim to fame is her 157 Combat Missions which is considered the most of any other Heavy Bomber in the ETO.

Her Nickname was first "Ol' Gappy" but her Nose Art had the ghostly figure of a dapper gentleman much like in the movie "Topper". So it was known by either/or. Her claim to fame is her 157 Combat Missions which is considered the most of any other Heavy Bomber in the ETO. Her Ground Crew Chief was M/Sgt Joe Sligoski.

Cover photo shows a bomber crew of the 379th Bomb Group with their B-17 Flying Fortress (serial number 42-0003) nicknamed "Ol' Gappy".  '.'70915 AC A crew of the 379th Bomb Group poses in front of the Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress "Ol' Gappy" at an 8th Air Force base in England on 12 June 1944.' The Crew pictured above at this time was: The photo above is of the Hennrich Crew and at this time here are the names:: ....... Standing Left to Right Stephen L Hennrich - 1st Lt - Pilot Anthony P Lasalle - Tech Sgt - Eng/WG Robert L Schnare - Tech Sgt - RO/G Earl K Parker - Staff Sgt – TG Kenneth E Dewire - Staff Sgt – WG Dennis Houck -S/Sgt – Asst Flt John Eng Lloyd A Carville - Staff Sgt – BTG Peter M Beloberk - 2nd Lt – Bom The rest are unknown Ground Crew and Armorer. It is believed that the Ground Crew Chief Joe Sligoski is squatting third fr om the left.

Delivered Long Beach 1/11/43; Denver 27/11/43; Presque Is 11/12/43;
Assigned 524BS/379BG [WA-H] Kimbolton 21/1/44; transferred 490BG Eye; with 157 missions was top aircraft in 8AF, and only one abort; returned to US 121 BU Bradley 28/6/45; 4168 Base Unit, South Plains, Texas 12/9/45; Reconstruction Finance Corporation (sold for scrap metal in USA) Kingman 10/11/45. TOPPER aka OL’ GAPPY.

To get the aluminium finish:

Livery comes with specular files. These files will also act as roughmets to give the aluminium finished planes a proper look of aluminium instead of dull grey.
If you want to change to roughmets either google the ED forum for instructions or follow the instructions included here. To do so will involve a basic understanding of editing the lua and knowing your way around windows explorer.
WARNING. I have only tested this with my liveries and cannot guarantee it will work with other livery creators work. Doing the following modification may make other liveries incorrect. If so & if they have provided a specular/roughmet file then following the procedure below may help.
I won’t go into wh ere you place the livery folder you downloaded as you can search for that on ED Forums.

Step 1.
Open the lua for the livery


Step 2.
Change all false entries associated with ROUGHNESS_METALLIC to true
Remove the green – (double dash) fr om the beginning of any line in the lua that has them (should be only 3 lines – ROTOR, RotorBlured & Whels)
Save the lua and close it.

Step 3.
Create a new empty folder called B-17G in your game section for DCS
The path should be as follows:
(Drive Letter wh ere you have DCS located) > Eagle Dynamics > DCS World > Mods > tech > WWII Units > Textures > B-17G
COPY (don’t move) the specular files (7 files in total) from the livery folder you downloaded to the B-17G folder.
Do not move (cut) them so you have copies for future use should DCS delete them.
The B-17G folder should not be removed when you do an update.

I take no responsibility for any mistakes you make. If required delete my liveries, re-download and start again.

  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 102.16 Mb
  • Downloaded: 136
  • Comments: 0
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