SU-25A Cockpit - Blacked w/ Clear Glass

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SU-25A Cockpit - Blacked w/ Clear Glass

Type - Mod
Uploaded by - Jenkem Junkie
Date - 01/28/2023 22:58:08
Blacked version of the Russian cockpit with clear glass and lots of little tweaks you may or may not notice.

Installed by the file path:
Saved Games\DCS\Liveries\Cockpit_Su-25\Blacked
Then select this cockpit skin in the Special tab in-game.

The gunsight glass can't be completely clear or you won't be able to see the crosshair. I had to darken it a little.

To get rid of the reflections you should also install this mod made by Sérvalpilot:

Shadows will still cast on the cockpit glass, playing with shadows off and the mod above will give you 100% clear canopy glass.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 12.37 Mb
  • Downloaded: 386
  • Comments: 4
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