DiCE: DCS Integrated Countermeasure Editor v6.01 by Bailey (F18C, F16C, A10C, A10C2, AV8B, M2000C)
Passes Intregity Check*!!! Have you been waiting too long for ED's Countermeasure DTC feature? Wait no longer! Roll for initiative with DiCE and use the DCS Special Options menu to edit countermeasure programs! Edits persist after DCS updates and passes Integrity Check! DCS v2.8.5.40170 May2023
*v5 requires uninstall/install!!!*
*v6 allows you to disable DiCE, therefore allowing you to join servers that have Integrity Check enabled.
Hello and welcome to DiCE: DCS Integrated Countermeasure Editor. DiCE allows you to use the DCS Special Options menu to change and modify the flare and chaff countermeasure programs of various DCS aircraft, for example, the F-18C and F-16C. DiCE is a solution to DCS's not yet implemented DTC (Data Cartridge) Countermeasure functions.
The README includes:
-Install Instructions
-How it works
-Common or Possible Issues
-Tips and Tricks
-Acknowledgments and Credits
Huge thanks to all of the people who helped out with DiCE!
Thank you TAIPAN_ for the patches!
-Please join us in the Discord server: https://discord.gg/PbYgC5e.
-Check out DiCE on the DCS forums here: https://forums.eagle.ru/topic/247605-dice-dcs-integrated-countermeasure-editor-by-bailey/
-Check out my other Mods, Utilities. and VoiceAttack profiles here: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/filter/user-is-baileywa/apply/?PER_PAGE=100
-Please feel free to donate. All donations go back into DCS to create more free mods, just like this one: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/asherao
Feel free to contact me on the ED forums (Bailey) or better yet on Discord (Bailey#6230). Remember that comments, questions, critiques, and requests are always welcome!
Version Notes:
-Initial Release
-DiCE F-18C enabled
-DiCE F-16C enabled
-DiCE A-10C and A-10C2 enabled (one Special Menu for both)
-Corrected some F-16C values
-DiCE now opens minimized (requested feature)
-Fixed a F-16 special options menu showing all zeros (added two parenthesis)
-DiCE AV-8B enabled
-DiCE M2000C enabled
-Adjusted some Gui stuff
-Updated readme (read readme if you have DCS installed in Program Files)
-Took away “DiCE is already running” popup
-Fixed DiCE errors in dcs.log file
-DiCE now makes CMS changes on startup too (thanks Bear21)
-Updated F-16C for DCS v2.7.7.15038
-Removed use of exe (Requires removing ALL DiCE files before installing v5, to include `Saved Games/DCS/Scripts/Hooks/DiCE-DCS-Integrated-Countermeasure-Editor.lua`
-Updated F18C
-Updated F16C
-Adjusted Special Options > DiCE GUI
-TAIPAN_ fixed F-16 programs not applying saved programs, manual and auto (only program 1
was working)
-TAIPAN_ fixed AV8B Chaff only program not saving properly
- Added the option to disable DiCE (Integrity Check Pass Mode)
- Minor code cleanup
- F16C page is now scrollable to assist with smaller game resolutions
- New troubleshooting tip: run DCS as Admin