Slysi's Livery Unlocker for ALL default liveries (Skins) *New Ver 3rd Mar 2021*

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DCS World 2.5

Slysi's Livery Unlocker for ALL default liveries (Skins) *New Ver 3rd Mar 2021*

Type - Mod
Uploaded by - Slysi
Date - 03/27/2020 16:32:38
Slysi's Livery Unlocker - Uploaded 3rd Mar 2021 13:14 - Tested OK on DCS OpenBeta - Created with OVGME


What this mod does
This mod removes the country restriction for ALL of the default/standard module liveries that come with the game and ALL of the default/standard liveries that come with purchased modules. Allowing you to place any aircraft, set any country for that aircraft and then choose between all of the default skins for that aircraft. Which is something you cant normally do once you change the country to something other then what was decided to be the default country for that aircraft.

By default/standard DCS module liveries are generally  country specific; for example if you place an M2000C in the editor and make it UK when you get into the cockpit of it in the game you will not be able to sel ect the Tiger meet liveries because the Tiger meet liveries are country locked to France (French M2000C's).

This mod will not have any effect over any additional liveries you have downloaded, it only "country unlocks" the default/standard Liveries.

Multiplayer Compatible

Yes Passes IC
Only effects default/standard skins therefore skins will be seen by others as you see them.

Basic Installation Instructions

After downloading

1) Open the zip file
2) Open the folder Liveries_Unlocker_Slysi
3) Copy the folder Liveries to your Saved Games\DCS or Saved Games\DCS.openbeta
4) Installation Complete Enjoy !

OVGME Installation Instructions

After downloading

1) Open OVGME
2) Goto Mods and Import
3) Sel ect the Liveries_Unlocker_Slysi zip file
4) Click open
5) Find Liveries_Unlocker_Slysi in the list and enable
6) Installation Complete Enjoy !

Mod Support

Limited to when I check the comment section here - Sorry

This mod is a continuation from b1n4ry

This mod is a continuation from b1n4ry's initial mod 01.05.2019 ( OB)

Useful Program Reference Links should you want them (these are not required)

7zip (Zip File Archiver)

OVGME  (Mod Manager)
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 954.81 Kb
  • Downloaded: 4616
  • Comments: 21
  • Comments
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