T.Flight HOTAS X Profile for JF-17 Thunder (with PowerPoint Diagram) v1.3

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JF-17 Thunder

T.Flight HOTAS X Profile for JF-17 Thunder (with PowerPoint Diagram) v1.3

Uploaded by - GrEa5eLiTeNiN
Date - 02/27/2020 13:40:26
JF-17 Thunder T.Flight Hotas X (Thrustmaster) Profile v1.3 for DCS 2.5.6 Open Beta.  See included diagram for reference.  Requires 2 Modifier buttons for 4 command layers, axis assignments and TrackIR (or replace Trim commands with POV).  Underlined commands are likely still under development.  PowerPoint included so you can customise and reprint diagram.

2 Modifiers to give 4 command layers:

Layer 1 (Black):     Press desired command (no Modifier pressed)
Layer 2: (Red):      Press Modifier 1 only + desired command
Layer 3: (Green):   Press Modifier 2 only + desired command
Layer 4: (Blue):      Press Modifier 1 and Modifier 2 together + desired command

To install:
1. Unzip download and store the "diff.lua" profile in any folder.
2. Go to the game's Options/Controls/JF-17.
3. Under the drop down menu tab for T.Flight HotasX, select "Load profile" and browse to and select the "diff.lua" file.
4. At the bottom "Modifiers" tab, add Throttle buttons 9 and 10 as the two Modifiers.
5. Any mapping changes made will be saved in the game (...User\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Config\Input\JF-17\joystick) but the profile can also be saved separately using step 3 with "Save profile as".

Note: I am no longer updating this profile as I have moved on to the TM Warthog HOTAS. But the diagram should be a good start. I will try to answer any questions in the comments section.

Check out my other profiles:
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 1.69 Mb
  • Downloaded: 745
  • Comments: 3