E-2D weathered skin pack & PSD

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E-2D weathered skin pack & PSD

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - Easypeac3
Date - 01/27/2020 15:31:37
All the E-2 skins with lightly weathered look. Pilots added.

I updated all the skins with some kind of a dirt layer and added roughmets. The roughmets are more like the original ones, not like on the JASDF one.
Each plane now also has individual pilots. Nothing of importance, but anyway.

The folders are named different. So there is no way to overwrite the clean textures. Just delete them after or keep them.

You'll find the clean textures here: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/?CREATED_BY=Easypeac3&set_filter=Y&PER_PAGE=100

The layered PSD's are on my dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bvr5xgnedftxeus/E-2D_PSD.7z?dl=0

As always, if you have some suggestions, please write them in the comments.



PS: If you dont like the roughmets, just comment them out in the description.lua like this:

    {"e2d_fus", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC ,"e2d_fus_RoughMet",false};        ->        --{"e2d_fus", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC ,"e2d_fus_RoughMet",false};    
    {"e2d_wing", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC ,"e2d_wing_RoughMet",false};    ->        --{"e2d_wing", ROUGHNESS_METALLIC ,"e2d_wing_RoughMet",false};        

If you also dont like the helmet, just...

Have fun!!!


Installation:  Put the folder "Bazar" from the zip into your "...\DCS\..." or "...\DCS.openbeta\...." main folder.

  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 108.27 Mb
  • Downloaded: 2443
  • Comments: 10
Tags: skin, E-2C, E-2D, e2c, e2d, Hawkeye