Mission Data Card

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Mission Data Card

Type - Document
Uploaded by - Easypeac3
Date - 01/16/2020 22:04:27
Mission Data Card PSD with all entries to change. The size fits the kneeboard requirements.

I saw this amazing mission data card, but there was no easy way to fill it out. So i just filled the all the fields. I don't have a clue what values i should ins ert to some fields. But i assume the mission builder knows anyways. Saw i forgot the ATIS line, so just add one yourself.
Just put it in to photoshop and edit the lines you like. It's well sorted and you shouldn't have any problems to work with. The fonts are included in the zip.

Save it as a bmp or png to use as kneeboard pages.

Credits go out to BLMOA, he put the missioncard online ( https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3306612/).

As always, if you have some suggestions, please write them in the comments.



  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 302.94 Kb
  • Downloaded: 2061
  • Comments: 2