A-10A Nevada Intercept

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A-10A Nevada Intercept

Uploaded by - aaroux
Date - 01/03/2020 13:51:14
A training mission for beginners on the Nevada Map (required). It includes take-off, intercept and destroy, attacking ground and air defenses, and returning to base. A PDF briefing is included. It is assumed that you understand the basics of flight, navigation and firing guns, rocket and dropping bombs. Overall the mission is simple for advanced players but can be challenging for newbies (like myself). It took me about 10 missions before I could complete it in under 30 minutes without being shot down or damaged. Read the included PDF briefing as it will guide you as to what you should do. Repeat the mission until you succeed and you will become familiar with Air2Air, Maverick Missiles, Rocket fire, using the canon and dying or ejecting!

Pahute Mesa Airstrip lies 25 nm to the west of Groom Lake AFB. An AN-30M is flying from Pahute on an undercover spy mission to overfly Groom Lake AFB on the pretense that it got lost. You are to intercept this aircraft, destroy it, and also other airborne and ground defenses and units before returning to base. There are no trigger zones set, so that the mission will start the moment you log into it. This means that the longer you wait to get airborne, the more likely it is that the spy plane will reach it's objective. The briefing gives the details and diagrams.<br /><br /><br /><br />
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 3.42 Mb
  • Downloaded: 790
  • Comments: 0
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