Dragon's Tail v1.1

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DCS World 2.5

Dragon's Tail v1.1

Uploaded by - Saul Goode
Date - 12/23/2019 13:01:05
This is the fifth mission from the original Falcon, made by Spectrum HoloByte in the late 1980's. You can choose to fly either the F/A-18C or F-16C.

One principle of war is to deny enemy access to supplies by cutting off their lines of transportation. Knocking out the bridge at waypoint one is critical to your side's success in controlling the enemy.

*updated F16 client (F16 should be flyable now)!

Try and stick to the original mission load-outs (remember it was the 80's!)

Use Mavericks or MK84s to take out the bridge at W1. Note: the target elevation is 4554ft.

Watch the SA-2s if you go in high. Also, the enemy has moved in manpads around key target areas and supply routes. Use caution if flying below 10000 AGL.
Don't forget the Migs!

Caution: there are two bridges 1 and 3nm to the north west of the actual target. These bridges are orientated roughly N/S. Your target bridge is roughly E/W.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 4.9 Mb
  • Downloaded: 614
  • Comments: 4
Tags: Falcon, F18, F16, F/A-18, Hornet
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