Hormuz Entry

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DCS World 2.5

Hormuz Entry

Uploaded by - pgazaille
Date - 12/16/2019 20:46:02
A single mission, (designed to be multiplayer as well) , that includes 3 sequential activities in the same mission.
It uses MOOSE framework for its mission programming and it includes:<br />
- 2 complete automated ground control intercept and combat air patrol system ( AI GCI CAP) for Red and Blue<<br />
( meanings that in a range of 150 km those airbase will automatically send a fighter towards each intrusions. )<br />
- all airspace is covered by AWACS on both side ( will respawn in 15 min if destroyed )<br />
- all airbases are protected by S300 and Patriot Sam Systems. ( will repair 1 hour after destruction )<br />
- 1 Aerial tanker to practice because its fun!<br />
- Easy communication<br />

From Al Minhad airbase we will search and destroy for a military transport that is signaled on the west coast. After successfull elimination of the target, we will have to reload and defend from the inevitable retaliation that will occur.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 4.16 Mb
  • Downloaded: 511
  • Comments: 0
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