Creeping Tiger '82 - Single Player F-5E Persian Gulf Mini campaign

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F-5E Tiger

Creeping Tiger '82 - Single Player F-5E Persian Gulf Mini campaign

Type - Campaign
Uploaded by - hawxbf
Date - 12/16/2019 15:14:06
4 singleplayer missions, around 1 hour each. Feedback is welcome, contact me in discord please if you have something to say havkoduk#0847

Since the end of 1980, the military conflict between the two coalitions has continued. The "North" represented by Iran and Iraq with the support of China and USSR against the "South" represented by the UAE and Oman with the support of the United States.

Iran-Iraq alliance has MiG-21, MiG-23, Su-25, F-14 and a small amount of F-5E
Their air defense consists of SA-2, SA-3 and SA-6 systems. Also, there are numerous AAA systems like “Shilka” and “Gepard”

The UAE and Oman air forces have F-4E and F-5E.

You’re going to be a pilot of F-5E-3 fighter tail number 07 in the 2nd Tactical Fighter Squadron.
F-5E-3 is not the most modern and advanced aircraft for 1982, so you have to avoid open confrontation with enemy forces. Your primary tasks will be actions behind enemy lines, various support and reconnaissance missions, as well as actions in difficult conditions.

Get ready for ultra-low altitude flights, radio navigation, land navigation, flight routes with precision for each waypoint up to the minute, flights in bad weather conditions, night flights, and the use of various tactical means such as smoke marker rockets or illuminate bombs.

In most missions, it will be necessary to avoid open confrontation with technically superior enemy, whether it is fighters or SAMs.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 22.85 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1086
  • Comments: 4
Tags: F-5E, campaign