Operation Opera MP Mission

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DCS World 2.8

Operation Opera MP Mission

Uploaded by - RocketmanAL
Date - 12/08/2019 08:53:45
A custom mission replicating the daring 1981 strike on the Osirak Facility by the Israeli Air Force, dubbed Operation Opera. This mission features realistic aircraft, weapon load-outs, threats, and flight planning for the real mission. Up to 14 players can fly together in both air-to-ground and air-to-air roles. Requires a high level of skill in aircraft handling, navigation, and weapons employment. Bring some friends and see if you can pull off the virtual equivalent of one of the most daring raids in military history.

The year is 1981. Iraq is continuing its construction of a facility for the processing of nuclear facilities. An Iranian airstrike on the facility months earlier failed to deter the construction of the Iraqi reactor, with French assistance. We can not allow this facility to be completed. Though Iraq claims that the reactor is purely for civilian purposes, Mossad has confirmed that the Iraqis are prepared to produce nuclear weapons from the material processed in the reactor. Despite our best efforts to sabotage the reactor, it is only a matter of time before it is complete.

We must strike the facility now in order to minimize causalities among the French technicians and Iraq civilians in Baghdad. Today the technicians should be away from the facility. In addition, the facility is heavily guarded by five SA-6 batteries and numerous AAA positions. We must pass through three separate hostile countries to reach our target and return. We will have no tanker support, and the only CAP we will have is what we bring with us. Some say it's impossible. We shall see.

The package will start up and depart the airfield with minimal spacing to reduce fuel wastage. Once clear of the airfield the entire package will fly at low-level to avoid detection by enemy radars. Once at the ingress point CAP will climb to provide cover from enemy fighters while the strike package attacks the reactor. The element of surprise is paramount due to the high concentration of defenses around the reactor. Once the strike is complete the package will make a direct route back to the base at a high altitude to minimize fuel usage.

NOTE: There is no confirmation message of mission completion or anything, as I couldn't figure out a good way to script it within ME. A game master can determine mission success.

Estimated Mission Time: 2 hrs

July 2023: V1.1- Updated to 2.8
August 2023: V1.2- Updated brief and improved voiceovers

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  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 11.64 Mb
  • Downloaded: 871
  • Comments: 2