Operation: DAWN STRIKE! ( Runway Start ) Voice Triggers & no Mods needed

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Operation: DAWN STRIKE! ( Runway Start ) Voice Triggers & no Mods needed

Uploaded by - GazAce
Date - 12/07/2019 15:45:34
Enemy forces have infiltrated Gudauta AFB & have become a concern. Terrorists with armed speed boats located on the shore of the Western side of the AFB are making deliveries and let me tell you.. they aint no Fed Ex. Intel tells us they are supplying weapons & communication equipment to the Base. Also identified at the Base among other installations is a newly installed & active SAM SA-11 & patrolling the area is a Mig-29A.

Senaki-Kolkhi 09:15. Depart & Waypoint navigate North along the Black Sea Coast towards Gudauta AFB.Your first objective is to locate & splash the Mig, he will be patrolling the AO. Once you take care of him, then kill the SA-11 at the Base & also take out a Fuel Truck which is in close proximity to a FARP Ammo Storage.. which should make for some nice fireworks. Then, West of the Base locate & destroy 2 Enemy Trucks on the Shoreline who are running weapons & equipment. They are accompanied by a few Armour Units but don't waste your Ordnance on them, the Trucks are your Prime Targets and 1 JSOW will take care of both. Finally, to complete your mission you will need to locate & splash 2 Mistral Rotors low orbiting the AO and then destroy an access Road Bridge & Rail Bridge just North of the Base which is why your carrying 2 GBU-16 but one of your 154-C can also take down one of the Bridges. Now, the SAM,the Fuel Truck & the Transport Vehicles on the shoreline will all be ID by our good buddy Patrol Axeman on 133.000. Also, AWACS support will be on 251.000 & your TEXACO Tanker on 250.000 Hz TACAN 77X if you need a refuel. Just a final word of caution.. be wary of the Mig, he is dangerous & has already taken out 2 of our AC in the area, so he's well overdue to meet his maker. Ok, that about wraps it up. Looks like it's going to be a busy morning so get the job done & because you will have negated the threat, you will RTB to Sukhumi-Babushara. Taxi & park in the designated "Hero's Welcome" spot ready made for you.
Good Luck Pilot!
1. The Mig should appear on your EW as you approach WP4 but you'll visually ID him as he'll be glinting off that morning sun as he heads straight for you. After you kill him the SAM becomes active & if he starts launching.. head out to sea ducking & out-running his rockets. You may even force him to deplete his supply as he only carries 4 & has quite a long re-arm time.
2. To save time and fuel, use your FLIR to locate and destroy all three Targets in one pass that Patrol will ID for you, after all are neutralized he will give you the "Nice job you may depart"
3. Be careful when hunting the Mistrals as there's a lot of active AAA around the Base & also at your Bridge Targets.
4. If your Gas gets lean & Air to Air Refuel is not your thing, you may land, rearm & refuel at Sukhumi from the allocated parking spot.
Radio Chatter avail on 124.000
Posted how I got this through one on my YT ch if you care to check it out https://youtu.be/6BsbIpGsqFA
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