DCS-Version Change Notifier v04 by Bailey

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DCS-Version Change Notifier v04 by Bailey

Type - Utility
Uploaded by - Baileywa
Date - 11/29/2019 02:57:13
* Has been replaced by DCS Update Witching Utility https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3315428/ *

Welcome to DCS-VECANO (Version Change Notifier)!!!
Ever wonder if DCS has updated?
Is your F5 key worn out?
How long is Two Weeks(TM)?

Use any combination of visual, audio, or Gmail notification when the DCS version site is updated! Checks every 5 minutes.

Click "Help" in the program to know more.
It may be obvious that this program is made to only work when a DCS update comes out, and you know how often than can be... So, I have included 'DCS-VersionChangeNotifier-vXX-Demo.exe' so you can make sure the app works 100% for you before an actual update.

If you want to check out the C# code I used to make this app, open the file called 'DCS-VECANO-vXXcode.txt' with Notepad++ or your preferred text viewer application.

If you have any questions, comments, improvements, suggestions, concerns, just want to say Hi, etc., please feel free to contact me on Discord: Bailey#6230.


* Version Log:
* v04
* Adjusted values for 03JUNE2020 release
* v03
* Updated to reflect EDs new update site
* v02
* +Made the app ~96.667% more CPU efficient. Bye bye While loops!
* +Added tons of programming comments
* +Changed "Listen 4 Updates" to "Listen For Updates"
* v01
* +Release
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 30.39 Kb
  • Downloaded: 202
  • Comments: 5