Fire and Movement

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DCS World 2.5
UH-1H Huey

Fire and Movement

Uploaded by - theSithis
Date - 11/27/2019 17:39:50
A four-player COOP Huey CAS mission.

You have to keep a keen eye on the advancing infantry on the ground while covering each other.

Footage of an early version of the mission before voice lines, briefing and enemy position updates were made:

Central Batumi is in enemy hands. Bravo 2-2 is pushing in with four APCs and infantry. They are currently driving down the main road between the airport and the harbour. They will conact you and assign targets once you get close.

Enemy consists mainly of Russian mercenaries covered by some old Zeus. They might have some APCs and mortars for support. They are holding the harbour and everything east so make sure to attack from the south-west.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 9.95 Mb
  • Downloaded: 282
  • Comments: 0
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