! UPDATE !<br />
Added modified skin of "1013" from "Polish Navy Mi-14 liveries" (https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3309033/) by Thor77
- removed static tactical numer and change it for variable
- new interior of the cargo cabin
- removed russians operational inscriptions
- fix wrong description (from "MARYNARKA WOYENNA" to "MARYNARKA WOJENNA" & "UWAGA ŚMIGŁO")
- add version with and without EVU
Pack modified skins of "Mi-8/Mi-17 Polish skinpack v. 2.0.0" originally created by RoGaLMiG29:
- reduced number of skins from 51 to 6
- removed static tactical numer
- added variable tactical number
- improved pilot textures (overalls, helmets and patches
- new interior of the cargo cabins*
- two versions of every skin - with and without EVU
* special thx for RUS - I used his interior from "Mi-8 Novatek new version" as base for my VIP version https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3301113/