Alarm Invasion "Beaches" - Mission Fw190A-8 - v2

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Fw 190 A-8 Anton

Alarm Invasion "Beaches" - Mission Fw190A-8 - v2

Uploaded by - Belly
Date - 11/09/2019 17:02:41
In Fw190A-8, a Jabo mission taken place on the 7th June 1944 context. This mission was built with an approach to be in an historical context. I have tried to make an historical and immersive atmosphere. The player can prepare his mission with the included documents (Context, Briefing with maps ). 2 kneeboards are given. A French version is included

This mission building was not easy and asks to find a compromise in order to get a playable mission in term of fps and keeping the immersive atmosphere wanted. This mission is a bit heavy, I would recommend to have 16Go RAM minimum.

Required DCS modules: Fw190A8, Normandy map, WW2 assets pack.

Version 2 modifications:
- Your wingman fly close to you
- Corrections of all aircrafts indentication n°

I wish you a nice time
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 5.92 Mb
  • Downloaded: 503
  • Comments: 2