VAW 112 - "Golden Hawks" - 165823 (4K) V1.2

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VAW 112 - "Golden Hawks" - 165823 (4K) V1.2

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - Easypeac3
Date - 11/05/2019 13:54:08
This is a skin of an E-2 Hawkeye of the VAW-112 "Golden Hawks".

I "rebuilt" the stock texture for the E-2 in 4K. I put a lot of work in this, so this is just the first skin of a few for the E-2 Hawkeye.

I tried to do an accurate job here. But keep in mind, that there are dozens of pics and a lot of them not in a very good quality.
It was difficult not to mix up the various liveries of different planes. It also seems to me, that some planes changed squadrons quite a lot over the years.
And also most crew names are just out of my fantasy. If anybody knows better, please write a comment or post a link of a pic. I'd be glad to change things towards reality.

Update_06.11.19:     - Bad texture on tail reworked
                                - Put the leftside squadron patch like it should
                                - Put actual CO and XO names in place

Update_07.11.19:     - Minor tweaks on the wings

Hope you like it. And if you wanna use it, i don't care. Just give me the credits. Thanks




How to install?  Just copy the folder "Bazar" into your "...\DCS\..." or your "...\DCS.openbeta\..." main folder.



Remove all folders of the liveries you dont want anymore out of your "...\DCS\Bazar\Liveries\e-2c..." or your "...\DCS.openbeta\Bazar\Liveries\e-2c..."folder.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 7.09 Mb
  • Downloaded: 396
  • Comments: 2
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